Service commitment

Redusert åpningstid

Vi har reduserte åpningstider for besøkende på grunn av ombygging av våre lokaler. Vi har åpent i 7. etasje onsdager og fredager fra kl. 11:00 - 13:00. Telefonen er åpent som normalt.

Our aim

To ensure that the users of health and social services have received an acceptable level of service from Oslo kommune (Oslo city council), and that the employees working for the council have performed their duties correctly, without neglect.

We also act as Pasient- og brukerombudet for Oslo (the Patient ombudsman for Oslo). Our job is to safeguard the needs, interests and legal rights of users of the national health services and the local health and social services. We also work to improve the quality within these services.

What you can expect from us

  • That information and guidance is free of charge.
  • That you are treated with respect and that we process your case in accordance with your instructions.
  • On first contact you get to speak to one of our caseworkers the same day. This rule applies, whether you contact us in person, via the phone or in writing.
  • That you will get your own caseworker who will deal with your case. We will also let you know if there is a need to change your caseworker.
  • That you can make an appointment with your caseworker.
  • That we will let you know if we are unable to return your call or attend a previously arranged appointment.
  • That you get a provisional response from us within one working day, which includes information on how your case will progress.
  • That we will use plain language in our communication with you.
  • That you can request an interpreter if required.

If we fail to provide the above

We would appreciate if you could let us know in order for us to look into our processes and make any changes where needed.