The Norwegian model
Historical background, development and present-day Norwegian welfare state.
The Norwegian model
The term refers to how the society is organized in Norway. The Norwegian society is based on trust. Norwegians not only trust each other, but when you ask about the trust to the government most of the population have a high level of trust to the authorities . The model is based on the fundamental values of democracy, human rights, solidarity and trust. Thanks to very low corruption, well-functioning institutions and with the system ensuring everyone education, public benefits and services the trust spreads into society. The goal of the Norwegian model is personal freedom, social equality and economic growth.
It describes the interaction between the factors of economic policies, the cooperation between employer organizations and the main trade unions to decide wages and work hours, work life balance and the public welfare system. The result is that the model has contributed to high emplyment, economic development and a high standard of life.
The Norwegian model consists of 3 building blocks:
- Organized working life based on the interplay between legal and contractual regulation, peace obligations during the contract period and centralized coordination of wage formation, where strong organizations negotiate both centrally and locally, supported by party cooperation on productivity and adjustment, and active labour market policy.
- Economic management based on an active, stability-oriented economic policy, international free trade and coordinated wage formation to promote growth, employment and social equalization.
- Public welfare built on universal schemes for income that facilitate high occupational participation and mobility. Tax-financed health and welfare services, as well as free education, contribute to equality and equalization of living conditions, health and employment opportunities.
The Norwegian model is connected to the Nordic model
As part of the Nordic countries, Norway is a small, efficient, open economy, which has managed to unite the growth and distribution of goods among the inhabitants. As a oil nation Norway is one of the richest countries in the world, and our success is often explained by the oil wealth. Although oil is very important for Norwegian society, it is not the full explanation for the country scoring so highly in various rankings. The foundation for the Norwegian model of society was laid many decades before the first oil discoveries in the North Sea. By looking at Norway's situation in connection with the situation in the other Nordic countries, it becomes clear that there is "more to it". The success of the other Nordic countries cannot be explained by the Norwegian oil money.
Learn more about:
The Norwegian welfare system
The comprehensive welfare state is based on the National Insurance Scheme.
Safe jobs, working condition and taxes
Visit the section for contracts, taxes and employee rights for more information
Kindergarten and the school system in Oslo
Visit the children and families section for Information
Interesting in depth articles can be used for in debth information about the Norwegian civil society and the welfare state.