Public agencies

Norwegian public agencies and offices that might be relevant information sources when you relocate and settle in Oslo.

Links to these websites are also included across the rest of the pages where they are relevant.

National agencies

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration

  • Norwegian: Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI)

Handles applications for residence permits and visas. The webpage guides you through the application processes step by step.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Immigration Appeals Board

  • Norwegian: Utlendingsnemda (UNE)

The appellate body for immigration and citizenship cases.

Go to (English frontpage)

Directorate of Integration and Diversity

  • Norwegian: Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet (IMDi)

Responsible for implementing the government's integration policies regarding Norwegian language training and the introduction program for refugees.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Police

  • Norwegian: Politiet

You book your appointment in advance to register with the police (or SUA) after you have arrived in Norway.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Norwegian Tax Administration

  • Norwegian: Skatteetaten. The branch for Oslo: Skatt Øst

Responsible for taxation as well as the National Register (Folkeregisteret)

Go to (English frontpage)

Go to the Tax Administration's Facebook page for questions about tax for employees and pensioners

Norwegian embassies and consulates

  • Norwegian: norske ambassader og konsulater

The embassy pages have timelines for the application process for permits and visas.

Go to and the embassy in your country of residence

Service Centre for Foreign Workers

  • Norwegian: Servicesenter for utenlandske arbeidstakere (SUA)

Office where labour migrants can talk to the Tax administration, the police, UDI and the Labour Inspection Authority.

Go to (English frontpage) for opening times and locations

Norwegian customs

  • Norwegian: Tolletaten

Import and export of goods.

Go to (English frontpage)

Go to Norwegian custom's Facebook page for questions about import and export of goods and animals

Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration

  • Norwegian: Arbeids- og velferdsetaten (NAV)

Administers schemes such as unemployment benefit, work assessment allowance, sickness benefit, pensions, child benefit and cash-for-care benefit.

Go to (English frontpage)

Skills Norway

  • Norwegian: Kompetanse Norge

The Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning, working to support active citizenship, improve employability and increase participation in education.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education

  • Norwegian: Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen (NOKUT)

Evaluation and accreditation of higher education and tertiary vocational education as well as recognised foreign education.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training

  • Norwegian: Utdanningsdirektoratet (Udir)

Responsible for the development of kindergarten and primary and secondary education.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs

  • Norwegian: Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet (Bufdir)

Responsible for Child Welfare Services (Barnevernet) and Family Councelling Services (Familierådgiving), foster care and universal design.

Go to (English frontpage)

Innovation Norway

  • Norwegian: Innovasjon Norge

Supporting innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Norwegian Health Economics Administration

  • Norwegian: (Helfo)

The agency’s responsibilities include making payments from the National Insurance scheme to healthcare providers, suppliers and service providers, as well as individual refunds of expenses incurred by private individuals relating to medicines, dental healthcare and health services abroad.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority

  • Norwegian: Arbeidstilsynet

Focused on occupational safety and health, providing programmes and information, guiding and supervising for individual enterprises.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud

  • Norwegian: Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet

Working to prevent discrimination and promote equality.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration

  • Norwegian: Vegvesenet

Working to provide a smart, safe and continuous road transport system.

Go to (English frontpage)

The Consumer Council of Norway

  • Norwegian: Forbrukerrådet

Helps citizens with tips and advice prior to purchase, information about consumer rights and assistance in the complaint procedure.

Tenancy agreement from Forbrukerrådet

Go to (in Norwegian)

Norway Post

  • Norwegian: Posten Norge

A Nordic postal and logistics group that develops and delivers integrated solutions in postal services, communications and logistics.

Go to (English frontpage)

Other helpful links:

Go to for

County level

County Governor of Østfold, Oslo, Buskerud og Akershus

  • Norwegian: Statsforvalteren for Østfold, Buskerud, Oslo og Akershus

The county administration.

Go to the County Governor of Østfold, Buskerud, Oslo og Akershus

Municipal level

The City of Oslo municipality (Oslo kommune)

The City of Oslo (Oslo kommune) (English frontpage)

Do you have anything to report regarding public spaces, like potholes, uncollected rubbish or missing streetlights?

Municipal agencies and districts on Facebook