
«Friluftsliv» encapsulates the Norwegian love for outdoor life – being in harmony with nature without destroying or disturbing it.

Where ever you are in Norway you're never far from great outdoor experiences, even in Oslo, the capital and largest city. Therefore, the concept of being in nature for purely recreational purposes is deeply rooted in Norwegian culture. "Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær" is something you'll hear many Norwegians say when the weathers bad. It means "there's no such thing as bad weather, you just have to dress better" and is a good example of how Norwegians love nature, come rain or shine.

Participating in outdoor activities and experiencing nature is a great way for newcomers to get new friends, become included and understand Norwegian society. Greeting people you pass on the trail while you're out hiking is a typical Norwegian custom.

Find more on how to enjoy the outdoors in Oslo