Main health service information sources


Your main information and self-service website for all the public health services.

If you need help finding your way in the healthcare system, get guidance from Helsenorge by calling 23 32 70 00 (Monday-Friday from 08:00 to 15:30).

Go to

Health and Social Services Ombudsman (Pasient-og brukerombudet)

Acts as a voice for patients and clients who find it difficult to safeguard their own interests. Can help you with guidance and information about your rights, communication with service providers and assistance in meetings and complaint procedures. There is one ombudsman in each county.

Go to Pasient-og brukerombudet i Oslo og Akershus at (in Norwegian)

Other official health-related sources of information

Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)

Norwegian: Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI)

A government agency providing knowledge for public health and the health and care services.

Go to

The Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation

Norwegian: Norsk pasientskadeerstatning (NPE)

A government agency handling compensation claims from patients who think they may have gotten an injury from an error or omission in the health care treatment.

Go to

Learn more about the Norwegian healthcare system

Landsforeningen for hjerte-og lungesyke (LHL) is an organization working for people with heart and lung diseases.

Watch LHL’s video “A guide to the Norwegian healthcare system” at

Go to for information about rights to healthcare services in Norway

Go to The Norwegian Medicines Agency for a quick introduction to the healthcare and pharmaceutical system