Let us know if you suspect wrongdoing

The Agency for Business Development Services inspects shops that sell beer, and hospitality venues that sell alcohol in Oslo. We need the public’s help to find out whether shops and licensed premises are complying with alcohol legislation.

Næringsetaten would like to know about

  • licensed premises that refuse people access on grounds of ethnicity or discriminate in any other way
  • licensed premises and shops that sell alcohol to people clearly under the influence of narcotics
  • establishments that sell or serve alcohol in violation of the regulations
  • establishments that serve or sell alcohol outside the stipulated serving/sales hours
  • violence at hospitality venues
  • black market sales
  • narcotics sales
  • violation of the ban on alcohol advertising

How to tell us

Please supply as much detail as possible about the name and address of the establishment in question and nature of your complaint. You may remain anonymous.

We will inspect the premises once we have received your notification. We will carefully consider each notification we receive.