Extending a licence to serve alcohol for a one-off event
A one-off licence extension may be granted for all types of events for an establishment that already has a licence to serve alcohol.
An extension may be granted for:
- an additional venue or an outdoor area
- extended opening and serving hours
How much does it cost?
- It is free to apply for a licence.
How do I apply?
- Are you a manager or deputy at a licensed premises? Apply to extend your licence to serve alcohol here (log in, application in Norwegian)
- Anyone else, apply to extend your licence to serve alcohol here (log in, application in Norwegian)
Attachments to be enclosed for changes in ownership
- If your event will be held outdoors you must submit a drawing or sketch of the event area and proof of the landowner’s permission to use the area.
In order to process the application as quickly as possible, we require the following additional information
- A detailed description of the event, the type of event (concept), how many participants you expect and information on any security arrangements for the event.
- Describe the extended area in as much detail as possible. State the floor, name of the premises and establishment and the area covered by your original licence. You provide this information in the event description in the application form.
- Næringsetaten will send the application to the Police for a decision. Please make sure you describe the establishment and the type of event involved as accurately as possible.
How long does it take to receive an answer?
It normally takes three weeks to process applications once we have received them. It may take slightly longer for larger events.
The answer is sent to your digital mailbox.
Laws and regulations
List of laws and regulations that apply to establishments licensed to serve food and sell or serve alcohol (in Norwegian)