Discrimination at hospitality venues
Næringsetaten works to prevent discrimination in the hospitality industry through inspections, courses and guidance.
Rules and advice for hospitality venues
It is prohibited for hospitality venues to discriminate against guests, as described in Section 186 of the Penal Code (in Norwegian).
Violations could result in the award of penalty points. See how many penalty points are awarded for various types of violations.
Guests must be treated equally
This means:
- No one may be denied access or receive prejudicial treatment due to their skin colour or national origin.
- People with disabilities must have the same rights of service as others
- It is prohibited to have different prices or practices for admitting for women and men
- People with non-conventional gender expressions must be afforded the same respect as others
- It is not permitted to discriminate on grounds of sexual orientation
How hospitality venues can avoid discriminating
- Ensure that your employees understand what discrimination means, and talk about situations where you are at risk of engaging in discriminatory practices.
- Have clear rules for requirements for dress code, identification, age and conduct, and ensure that these apply to everyone.
- Prominently display the rules for your guests, so you can justify refusing entry if necessary.
Have you experienced discrimination at a hospitality venue?
- Then you should contact the Norwegian Equality and anti-Discrimination Tribunal which handles discrimination claims.
- The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud provides guidance for people who have experienced discrimination.
- DiMe (page in Norwegian) is a low-threshold legal assistance scheme that can be used to handle any complaint or for mediation
- You can also notify Næringsetaten.