Priority groups
The City of Oslo manages the admissions process. Municipal kindergartens have common rules of admission. Private kindergartens have their own by-laws.
Some children are given prority in the admission process.
Most priority groups require documentation. The documentation cannot be older than three months. You can upload the documentation when you register your application online.
Priority groups for municipal kindergartens
Group 1 (also applies to private kindergartens)
Children with disabilities and children with a care order from the Child Welfare Services.
Documentation requirements: You need a medical certificate that confirms that the child has a disability. Formal decisions in accordance with the Child Protection Act must be documented by the Child Welfare Tribunal, the Child Welfare Service's decision or the courts.
Group 2
Children from families who experience stress due to a disability or permanent illness of a parent or sibling.
Documentation requirements: Medical certificate documenting that the disease or disability is serious and permanent.
Group 3
Children whose parents participate in the City of Oslo introduction program for newly arrived refugees.
Requirements for documentation: Confirmation from NAV or your local district administration.
Group 4
Children who lose their spot in kindergarten due to closure.
The priority applies when it has been decided that the kindergarten is to be closed and the kindergarten owner has confirmed (in writing) the time of closure.
Group 5
Children who have siblings in the kindergarten they are applying to at the requested start date. You do not need to submit documentation.
Group 6
Siblings applying for a place in the same kindergarten, with the same start date. You do not need to submit documentation.
This priority only applies if there is an available placement for both siblings in the same kindergarten.
Group 7
Children of single parents who are currently working or studying, or who are actively seeking work or study opportunities.
Requirements for documentation: Confirmation from NAV, for example a decision on extended child benefit, and documentation of work or studies.
Group 8 (only SiO kindergartens)
SiO kindergarten have their own admission criterias.
Group 9
All children who do not fit the criteria for groups 1 to 8.
Within the this group, the oldest child witin the age group will receive an offer first. The age groups are 0-2 year and 3-6 years.