The Veterans line

The Veterans line is an emergency and advice line. It is for veterans and personnel from humanitarian and civil organisations with experience from international operations.

Call the Veterans Line 48 06 06 66

The Veterans line provides

  • Urgent psychosocial help
  • Advice and guidance about further treatment
  • We can, in particular urgent situations, meet for a conversation

What happens when I call?

An experienced team member with knowledge about the experiences and needs of veterans will take your call. They are trained to communicate with people in critical urgent situations and have knowledge about the local health services.

They can also help you contact other health services, depending on your specific needs: your local district, NAV, legal counsel, psychologist/psychiatrist or family counselling services.

When can I call?

  • You are in an urgent situation and need someone to talk to

  • You need advice about a difficult situation

The line is open every day, 24 hours a day.

Who can call?

  • Military veterans and personnel from humanitarian or civil organisations with experience from international operations
  • Family and friends or others that have concerns

Delayed reactions after international operations

Most veterans experience different reactions to stress after having been deployed. Hyperactivity, feeling tense, being guarded, irritability, nightmares or other sleep related issues, and constant alertness for sounds are classic symptoms. The ability to focus is weakened. Most people will experience that these symptoms decrease with time, but some will need professional help.
Experiences from war can add to untreated issues from earlier in life.

Issues that are typical for veterans are often most visible for the veterans’ family and close friends. Because of this, we encourage not only veterans but also family and close friends to contact either the Veterans line or the family councelling services.

Other instances that can help veterans are the municipal phsycologist or your General Practicioner (GP). We encourage all veterans to seek help if you are still experiencing reactions based on stress 6 months after your return home.