Frogner International Pre-School
Litt om barnehagen
FIP is located in Bydel Frogner, in the west-central district of Oslo. FIP is a self-owning, non-profit association. All applicants must also apply to FIP in addition to applying to Oslo kommune. Your application will only be considered once both applications are submitted.
The student and staff population represent many different nationalities, and English is the working language of the school. We offer a stimulating environment where young children can develop their social skills and be involved in a wide range of pre-school activities.
Charter (vedtekter)
This is a private kindergarten. Their admission process is described in their charter.
- Privat barnehage
- Bydel Frogner
- Ordinær barnehage
- Barnehage med annet språk enn norsk
- Avdelingsbarnehage
- 3 år - 6 år
- Antall barn: 48
- Inneareal: 9,7 m per barn -
- Antall barn per ansatt: 5,8 -
- Andel ansatte med barnehagelærerutdanning: 36,7% -
Slik jobber vi
The Pre-School aims to establish emotional security and self-confidence through an atmosphere of friendliness and co-operation. Our goal is to provide a positive environment where the children will gain an understanding of a multicultural world while developing their social and academic skills.Although the school operates on the premises of the American Lutheran Church, the school has no religious affiliation with any church, creed or denomination.
Foreldrene mener
Denne barnehagen har ikke gjennomført den nasjonale foreldreundersøkelsen for barnehager. Les mer om den nasjonale brukerundersøkelsen for barnehager her.
Pris for opphold: 4200,- pr måned
Our registration fee is 2500 kroner.
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